

I can't seem to break the stare


其實一開始打開電腦的目的不是為了這首歌,打開Youtube發現他推薦我Ruth B的另一首〈Superficial Love〉,聽著也覺得好聽想和大家分享,可是翻著又覺得對歌詞不是那麼喜歡,又看見這首〈In My Dreams〉,索性就改翻譯了這首,Ruth B的歌都好聽,她就像是一個說故事的人,而她的歌是一章章故事,之前也翻過她的〈Lost Boys/翻譯〉,算是她的成名曲吧,特別好的一首歌,我對它感觸也挺多,好回到重點,這首聽著真的很舒服,很簡單純萃的一首歌,短短的一首歌,向我們訴說了一個女孩(或許是她自己)的一段故事。不過其實因為我還沒經歷過,也不太了解這樣的感覺,就不多說了。(看到這的人應該在想我都看了什麼鬼XD)




Ruth B. - In My Dreams 夢中


The lights are bright tonight, the music loud/ 今晚燈光閃耀 音樂響亮
A perfect mess that's what surrounds me/ 一團完美的混亂圍繞在我身旁
Then I see you over there/ 然後我瞥見你 
I can't seem to break the stare/ 我似乎無法收起我猖狂的目光
Maybe it's 'cause your shirt is my favorite color/ 或許是因為你的襯衫是我最愛的顏色
Then you walk on over with a smolder/ 你朝我走來 迷人無比
And you hand me your number, I say, "What is this?"/ 給了我你的號碼 我說「這是什麼」
You say, "Love at first sight, it exists"/ 你說「一見鍾情,確實存在」
But I've had my heart broken so many times before/ 但我的心已經歷無數破碎
Yeah, I've walked through so many empty doors/ 是啊 我走錯好多條路


But if I see you in my dreams tonight/ 但若我今晚在夢中見到你
Then maybe you were right/ 或許就能證明你是對的
And I'll call you in the morning/ 當明天晨曦照耀 我會打通電話給你
If I see you in my dreams tonight/ 若今晚你出現在我的夢中
And you take my hands and tell me/ 你執起我手 輕輕告訴我
"I've been waiting for you"/ 「我等了你好久」
Then I'll tell you, "Me too"/ 而我緩緩開口「我也是」我說
If I see you in my dreams tonight/ 若你今晚來到了我夢中


I start to drive away and smile like I'm insane/ 試著將你趕出腦海 卻無法自拔地勾起嘴角
How can I feel this way? I don't even know your name/ 我怎麼會有這樣的感覺 我甚至不知道你的名字
The napkin doesn't say/ 誰能告訴我
Then I remember that I vowed not let anyone enter my heart/ 我想起那個誓言「別讓任何人走入你的心房」
I say "What is this?"/ 我說「那這算什麼」
I know love at first sight can't exist/ 我知道一見鍾情只是童話


But if I see you in my dreams tonight/ 但若我今晚在夢中見到你
Then maybe you were right/ 或許就能證明你是對的
And I'll call you in the morning/ 當明天晨曦照耀 我會打通電話給你
If I see you in my dreams tonight/ 若今晚你出現在我的夢中
And you take my hands and tell me/ 你執起我手 輕輕告訴我
"I've been waiting for you"/ 「我等了你好久」
Then I'll tell you, "Me too"/ 而我緩緩開口「我也是」我說
If I see you in my dreams tonight/ 若你今晚來到了我夢中


Maybe we'll meet in a different dimension/ 或許我們會在另一個世界相遇
And you can tell me all the things you didn't mention/ 你能細說那些你不曾開口的事
Maybe we'll meet in a different dimension/ 或許我們會在另一個世界相遇
And you can tell me all the things you didn't mention/ 你能細說那些你不曾開口的事
You'll say "What is this?"/ 你問我「我們是怎麼回事」
I'll say "I guess love at first sight exists"/ 我輕聲說「我猜,一見鍾情確實存在」


Cause I saw you in my dreams that night/ 因為我那晚在夢中見到你
And I knew that you were right/ 而我知道你是對的
So I called you in the morning/ 所以我一睜眼就打給你了
(In the morning, in the morning)/ 在晨曦照耀下
Yeah I saw you in my dreams that night/ 那晚我確實在夢中見到了你
And you took my hands and told me/你執起我手 輕輕告訴我
"I've been waiting for you"/「我等了你好久」
And I told you, "Me too"/ 而我緩緩開口「我也是」我說
Yeah I saw you in my dreams that night/ 我見到你出現在我的夢中


If I see you in my dreams tonight/ 若你今晚來到了我夢中











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