「Sia - To Be Human」的圖片搜尋結果

With time, it works out
光陰荏苒 一切都會找到答案


《Wonder Woman》第一部女性題材的超級英雄電影,電影原聲帶之一〈To Be Human〉,由才華洋溢澳洲唱作歌手Sia和英國音樂人Labrinth所演唱。
這首歌有滿滿Sia的特色,洗腦的節奏、屬於Sia獨特的口音和唱腔、以及從心而出的情感,加上Labrinth的男聲,氣勢萬千,讓人有種想要勇往直前的感覺,給人滿滿的正能量。而這首歌也特別符合《Wonder Woman》這樣的英雄電影,我不是個英雄電影迷,但就單單憑著這首歌,好像能想像一名女超人英姿颯爽的出現在眼前。






Sia - To Be Human feat. Labrinth 身而為人


Under rich, relentless skies/ 在無盡無情的天空下
I've been setting highs/ 我一直高高在上
I felt you walk right through me/ 你突然闖入我的世界
You're the thing that I invoke/ 你是我尋求已久的美好
My all persistent goal/ 我終其一生的目標
Sent to make me queazy/ 不安感卻席捲而來


[Pre-Chorus: Labrinth]
And oh, it's hard now/ 時代紛擾
With time, it works out/ 光陰荏苒 一切都會找到答案


[Chorus: Sia & Labrinth]
To be human is to love/ 身而為人 學習去愛
Even when it gets too much/ 即使沉載再多
I'm not ready to give up/ 也不願放棄
To be human is to love/ 歸於凡塵 放手去愛
Even when it gets too much/ 即使負荷太重
I'm not ready to give up/ 我絕不放棄


[Verse 2: Sia]
All the tigers have been out/ 所有猛虎被放出
I don't care, I hear them howl/ 無所謂 任牠們嚎嗥
I let them tear right throug/ 任他們將我四分五裂
Can you help me not to care?/ 你能教我如何不在意
Every breath becomes a prayer/ 每口氣息幻化成企盼
Take this pain from me/ 帶走我所有痛苦


[Pre-Chorus: Labrinth]
And oh, you're so far now/ 你遙不可及
So far from my arms now/ 在我懷抱的千里外


[Chorus: Sia & Labrinth]
To be human is to love/ 身而為人 學習去愛
Even when it gets too much/ 即使沉載再多
I'm not ready to give up/ 也不願放棄
To be human is to love/ 歸於凡塵 放手去愛
Even when it gets too much/ 即使負荷太重
I'm not ready to give up/ 我絕不放棄
To be human/ 歸於凡塵
To be human/ 身而為人
To be human/ 平凡人


[Bridge: Sia & Labrinth]
Just 'cause I predicted this/ 知道我們終將經歷這一切
Doesn't make it any easier to live with/ 不代表問題都會迎刃而解
And what's the point of knowin' it/ 就算知道了又如何
If you can't change it? You can't change, can't change it/ 若無法改變 再努力也是徒勞
Just 'cause I predicted this/ 知道我們終將經歷這一切
Doesn't make it any easier to live with/ 不代表問題都會迎刃而解
And what's the point of knowin' it/ 就算知道了又如何
If you can't change it? You can't change, can't change it/ 若無法改變 再努力也是徒勞


[Chorus: Sia & Labrinth]
To be human is to love/ 身而為人 學習去愛
Even when it gets too much/ 即使沉載太多
I'm not ready to give up/ 也不願放棄
To be human is to love/ 歸於凡塵 放手去愛
Even when it gets too much/ 即使負荷太重
There's no reason to give up/ 沒有理由放棄


[Outro: Sia]
Don't give up/ 千萬別放棄








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