
Time we got is right now so we're making it count
把握當下 絕不後悔


我來不及認真地年輕,待明白過來時,只能選擇認真地老去。」 --三毛
這首歌和Nicki Minaj的The Night Is Still Young(翻譯)有相似的意境,但對我來說這首的旋律有點沒記憶點呢...在翻譯時聽了好幾遍,但關掉音樂後卻依然想不到旋律(攤手),我也不喜歡這樣的MV老實說(不過那個跳來跳去的眼球好Q),但還好他內容要呈現的東西還不錯,其實不聽也沒關係啦哈哈,有時間再隨意聽聽也行的,個人推薦可以用1.25倍的速度聽XD,還是和大家分享,希望你們會喜歡囉
題外話:話說今天原本想翻的是女神Nina Nesbitt的Chewing Gum,但在我要翻時卻發現我們的豆豆大師更新了,這一點都不新奇人家可是每天乖乖更新的(自己突然不好意思一下,一下而已),但是下一秒我發現竟然是Chewing Gum啊啊啊,真是的被搶先一步了,不過誰叫自己太懶惰呢哈哈,專業如修羅,他的翻譯絕對值得信賴XD。我們Nina從鄰家少女變成了性感美女(小感嘆),但她的聲音還是一樣有吸引力,好像有種魔力似的,好喜歡 ♥ ♥ ♥ 


Bonnie McKee - Wasted Youth 虛度年華
They say youth is wasted, wasted on the young/ 人們總說青春虛度年華
So they tell me, why are we having so much fun/ 他們總問 為何我們享受如此樂趣
All the midnight dreamers falling into love/ 午夜夢想家 墜入愛河
In our torn up sneakers we were born to run/ 踩著破球鞋 踏上冒險旅程
So I'm begging you/ 求求你
Hold on hold on/ 好好把握
To your wasted youth/ 別虛擲青春
Hang on hang on/ 緊緊抓住
Cause it's gone so soon/ 時光飛逝
So let's get it while we're young/ 我們得把握青春
(We're wasted youth)/ 可我們卻虛度年華
Yeah we're bored and jaded/ 無聊疲倦
Sharing bubble gum/ 分著泡泡糖
But these nights are sacred/ 這般夜晚 何等神聖
There's freedom in our blood/ 我們流著自由熱血
So I'm begging you/ 求求你
Hold on hold on/ 好好把握
To your wasted youth/ 別虛擲青春
(We're diamonds in the rough)/ 我們是渾金璞玉
Hang on hang on/ 緊緊抓住
Cause it's gone so soon/ 時光飛逝
(Let's get it while we're young)/ 別讓青春留白
And shine on cause we'll never be the same/ 盡情發光 因昨日不再
We'll never be the same/ 每一天都是全新的自己
(You know you know the truth)/ 你一定懂
Hold on hold on/ 好好把握
To your wasted youth/ 別虛擲青春
Let's get it while we're young[x3]/ 花樣年華 絕不留白
Let's go/ 趁著年輕
Let's get stupid right now/ 瘋狂一次
Get to fooling around/ 到處遊蕩
Jump in the pool with you clothes on/ 套著衣服 跳入泳池
Sleep with your shoes and on the futon/ 穿著鞋入睡
Time we got is right now, so we're making it count/ 把握當下 絕不後悔
Roll down the windows and scream it/ 搖下窗 恣意大叫
Let's get it while we're young/ 花樣年華 絕不留白
Hold on hold on/ 好好把握
To your wasted youth/ 別虛擲青春
(We're diamonds in the rough)/ 我們是渾金璞玉
Hang on hang on/ 緊緊抓住
Cause it's gone so soon/ 時光飛逝
(Let's get it while we're young)/ 別讓青春留白
And shine on cause we'll never be the same/ 盡情發光 因昨日不再
We'll never be the same/ 每一天都是全新的自己
(You know you know the truth)/ 你一定懂
Hold on hold on/ 好好把握
To your wasted youth/ 別虛擲青春
Let's get it while we're young/ 花樣年華 絕不留白
We're wasted/ 可我們卻虛度年華
Let's get it while we're young[x3]/ 別讓青春留白了
We're wasted, we're wasted[x3]/ 大好青春 我們卻放肆虛擲

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