

When you're pushing me down, does it make you feel tall?
把我踩在腳底 會讓你覺得高人一等嗎


最近好喜歡Bea Miller,她的歌關於生活,說著霸凌、堅強、信心... 在情歌滿天飛的樂壇裡真的非常特別。
這兩天一直重複聽著她的新專輯 <Not An Apology> ,從醒來一直聽到睡前(難怪我都睡不著?),我覺得這是張很值得一聽的專輯,幾乎每首歌我都好喜歡,每首歌背後都蘊藏著好多故事,我雖然沒有很愛搖滾,但我卻深深為這樣一張專輯著迷。/ 介紹



Bea Miller: "I’m hoping that it will inspire a lot of people who are having a tough time. "
Paper Doll是一首講述被霸凌者決心要脫離現況、絕對不會被打敗的歌,或許每個霸凌者背後都有一個故事,或許他們也曾被欺負,但這並不能將霸凌人的行為合理化,不要讓這樣的現象不斷循環。

Bea Miller - Paper Doll 傀儡


Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?/ 讓我覺得自己渺小 會讓你好過嗎
When you're pushing me down, does it make you feel tall?/ 把我踩在腳底 會讓你覺得高人一等嗎
Pointing out my flaws cause you wanna erase them all/ 放大我所有缺點因為你看不順眼
Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?/ 讓我自慚形穢 你開心了嗎


Betcha didn't think I knew what I was made of/ 你應該不知道我是鐵打的
Thought I would lay down I wouldn't stand up/ 以為我只要跌到就會一蹶不振
Well listen up cause you got it all wrong/ 聽著 你大錯特錯
This is your song, this is your song/ 這首歌特別寫給你


I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是傀儡
Can't make me what you want/ 不會對你百依百順
You just build me up and tear me down/ 你把我帶上天堂又將我推入地獄
Enough's enough/ 忍耐是有限度的
Go, leave me alone/ 滾出我的世界
Cut me down but I won't fall/ 就算被擊倒也會重新站起來
I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是你手中的傀儡


Did somebody make you feel invisible?/ 是否也有人曾讓你覺得一文不值
Is it true hurt people hurt people?/ 人傷人 是不是真的
The way you hate and break/ 你的憎恨 你的傷痛
It don't make no sense at all/ 絕非毫無意義
But you're not gonna make me feel invisible/ 但你的故事不會在我身上重演


Betcha didn't think I knew what I was made of/ 你應該不知道我是鐵打的
Thought I would lay down I wouldn't stand up/ 你以為我只要跌到就會一蹶不振
Well listen up cause you got it all wrong/ 聽著 你大錯特錯
This is your song, this is your song/ 這首歌特別寫給你


I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是傀儡
Can't make me what you want/ 不會對你百依百順
You just build me up and tear me down/ 你把我帶上天堂又將我推入地獄
Enough's enough/ 忍耐是有限度的
Go, leave me alone/ 滾出我的世界
Cut me down but I won't fall/ 就算被擊倒也會重新站起來
I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是你手中的傀儡
I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是傀儡
Can't make me what you want/ 不會任由你操控
You just build me up and tear me down/ 你把我帶上天堂又將我推入地獄
Enough's enough/ 受夠了
Go, leave me alone/ 不想再看到你
Cut me down but I won't fall/ 我就算被擊倒也會重新站起來


Oh, you'd love if you crumble me up/ 你想看我在你手中
In the palm of your hands/ 慢慢崩潰
Well, I bet that sucks/ 那你現在應該氣的牙癢癢
Cause now you know you can't/ 你知道我不可能被你打倒


Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?/ 讓我覺得自己渺小 會讓你好過嗎
When you're pushing me down, does it make you feel tall?/ 把我踩在腳底 會讓你覺得高人一等嗎


I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是傀儡
Can't make me what you want/ 不會對你百依百順
You just build me up and tear me down/ 你把我帶上天堂又將我推入地獄
Enough's enough/ 忍耐是有限度的
Go, leave me alone/ 滾出我的世界
Cut me down but I won't fall/ 就算被擊倒也會重新站起來
I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是你手中的傀儡
I'm not a paper doll/ 不是傀儡
Can't make me what you want/ 不會任由你操控
You just build me up and tear me down/ 你把我帶上天堂又將我推入地獄
Enough's enough/ 受夠了
Go, leave me alone/ 不想再看到你
Cut me down but I won't fall/ 我就算被擊倒也會重新站起來
I'm not a paper doll/ 我不是任人宰割的傀儡




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