There's always someone waiting
Megan Nicole - Safe With Me 安然與我
You're not abandoned/ 你並不孤獨
There's always someone waiting/ 總有人在等著你
With open hands who'll/ 張開雙臂
Reach out and stop you fading/ 伸出援手
Into the darkness/ 在黑暗之中
I hope you know it's me/ 願你知道那個人 是我
You've been hurt before and hurt again/ 你一次又一次受傷
And you're wondering will it ever end/ 想著這輪迴何時會終止
Cause no matter what you say or do/ 無論你說什麼做什麼
It's so hard to find the truth/ 好像依然什麼都看不清
One thing I can promise you/ 但有件事我向你保證
I promise you're safe with me/你將安然無恙
You're not alone/ 不再隻身一人
You're safe with me/ 在我身邊 平安無事
Your heart is home/ 你心即是歸屬
Now and forever/ 現在和以後
I'll be your shelter/ 我願做你的庇護
I'm gonna help you to believe/ 讓你相信
You'll always be safe with me/ 你會安然無恙
Now that I found you/ 現在我找到了你
You will see/ 你會知道
My love surround you/ 我用愛將你擁入
Soft as a rainbow/ 如彩虹般溫柔
I'll be your halo/ 當你的光環
You'll always be safe with me/ 在我身邊 平安無事
Trust has it's dangers/ 事實傷人
But faith is everlasting/ 但信念永存
I'm not some stranger/ 我非隨便的陌生人
My lifeline's for the asking/ 只要你需要我就在你身旁
I'm looking through you/ 在你身上
What a world to see/ 我看到了世界
I know how it feels to be afraid/ 我知道害怕的感覺
And to question every step you take/ 踏出的每一步都如履薄冰
But tonight, we're standing face to face/ 但是今晚 我們四目相對
Not a single breath to waste/ 一絲氣息也不浪費
Only one thing left to say/ 我只要告訴你一件事
I promise you're safe with me/你將安然無恙
You're not alone/ 不再隻身一人
You're safe with me/ 在我身邊 平安無事
Your heart is home/ 你心即是歸屬
Now and forever/ 現在和以後
I'll be your shelter/ 我願做你的庇護
I'm gonna help you to believe/ 讓你相信
You'll always be safe with me/ 你會安然無恙
Now that I found you/ 現在我找到了你
You will see/ 你會知道
My love surround you/ 我用愛將你擁入
Soft as a rainbow/ 如彩虹般溫柔
I'll be your halo/ 當你的光環
You'll always be safe with me/ 在我身邊 平安無事
Safe with me/ 安然與我
Know that you're safe with me/ 要知道 你將安然無恙
You're not alone/ 不再隻身一人
You're safe with me/ 在我身邊 平安無事
Your heart is home/ 你心即是歸屬
Now and forever/ 現在和以後
I'll be your shelter/ 我願做你的庇護
You'll always be safe with me/ 在我身邊 安然與我